Character Education Management to Improve Students' Good Morals at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Bekasi City


  • Narwi Subandi Universitas Islam Nusantara, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Tutty R. Rossa Universitas Islam Nusantara, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Waska Warta Universitas Islam Nusantara, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Ida Tejawiani Universitas Islam Nusantara, Bandung, Indonesia



Character Education Management, Good Morals.


The Administration of Learning Characteristics The development of students' moral character is an essential component of the educational process that ought to be fully integrated in order to assist teaching teachers in accomplishing their objectives of producing graduates of a high standard. The purpose of this research study is to provide an outline of the ways in which character education management can assist in the development of morals in children that are high. Through an examination of planning, organization, implementation, assessment, challenges, and solutions, as well as the efforts of educational institutions in MTs to improve education, the objective was to assist in the improvement of the quality of graduates from MTs. Both descriptive and qualitative research methods were utilized in this study. Implementation methods included things like interviews, observations, and documentation pertaining to the research field. MTs Negeri 3 and MTs Annida Al Islamy Bekasi City were the locations where the research was conducted. According to the findings of the study, various individuals had varying interpretations of the significance of the findings and the ways in which they may be used. For example, MTs Negeri 3 Bekasi City believed that process activities in habituation activities, which included meticulous planning and clear and quantifiable instruments, were superior than a character education process for the purpose of enhancing the quality of graduates in accordance with eight national education standards. On the other hand, MTs Annida Al Islamy, which is a residential school that adheres to Islamic principles, utilized instructional activities. Several items, including some significant distinctions, have been discovered as a result of this research. as compared to these two MTs. In order to ensure that children develop positive character traits, MTs Negeri 3 Bekasi City performs an excellent job of utilizing the management concept of character education in order to plan, organize, administer, monitor, and evaluate character education. The head of the madrasah and the teachers at the MTs Annida Al Islami school are both great at leading the class in character instruction, which is one of the reasons why the school is so effective at teaching character.


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How to Cite

Subandi, N., Rossa, T. R., Warta, W., & Tejawiani, I. (2023). Character Education Management to Improve Students’ Good Morals at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Bekasi City. TEC EMPRESARIAL, 18(2), 924–933.