School Facility Conditions and the Graduate Competences of the Diploma III Vocational Education of Polytechnic


  • Ahmad Rifandi Universitas Islam Nusantara, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Ida Tejawiani Universitas Islam Nusantara, Bandung, Indonesia



Graduate Competences, Dublin Descriptors, POLBAN, POLMAN.


The credentials of graduates' abilities are determined by their competences. The competences included in the learning outcomes at the graduate level include attitudes, knowledge, and abilities. Following the completion of a learning process, statements are made to characterize the learner's knowledge, comprehension, and abilities; these are known as learning outcomes. At the end of the day, a graduate's competence is defined by the quality of their education, and school facilities are one factor that affects that quality. In order to understand the role and importance of school facilities for learning outcomes, especially in vocational education, this study intends to show that the educational goals of school facilities must be considered. The paper begins by noting that there is a lot of weight in the research literature that links the conditions of school facilities to pupils' ability to graduate. School facilities significantly and positively affect the quality of learning, according to studies conducted at Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bandung (POLMAN) and Politeknik Negeri Bandung (POLBAN) on the opinions of school graduates. In POLBAN, a t-value of 4.02 and a regression coefficient of 0.35 were recorded. The t-value was 4.52, and the regression coefficient was 0.55 in POLMAN. The average score for the facilities of Polan's schools is 79.12%, whereas Polban's schools average about 71.23%. Despite having slightly varied viewpoints on the qualities of the facilities, it is evident that the school facilities in POLBAN and POLMAN significantly affect the quality of education that pupils receive. On average, the learning facilities in POLMAN got a far lower score than the learning facilities in POLBAN. In contrast to POLBAN, POLMAN's learning outcomes place a greater emphasis on vocational training, according to further evidence.


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How to Cite

Rifandi, A., & Tejawiani, I. (2023). School Facility Conditions and the Graduate Competences of the Diploma III Vocational Education of Polytechnic. TEC EMPRESARIAL, 18(2), 934–946.