The Influence of Personality, Job Satisfaction and Quality of Work Life on Organizational Commitment and Their Impact on Employee Performance


  • Sugiharti Ph.D. candidate, Department of Management, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Budiyanto Department of Management, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Suhermin Department of Management, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia, Surabaya, Indonesia



Influence, Personality, Job Satisfaction, Quality of Work Life, Organizational Commitment.


Testing the impact of personality, job satisfaction, and work life quality on organizational engagement and their impact on the performance of employee are the aims of this research. The research was conducted by taking sample of insurance agents in Central Java and DIY provinces as the population also. The number of samples used was 375. At the same time, the number of companies taken was seven companies. The company is licensed and registered with AAJI and OJK. The category of companies studied is the best based on investor magazines and info banks. Furthermore, structural equation models (SEM) were utilized for Hypothesis testing. The test results show that organizational commitment was influenced by job satisfaction and personality. Additionally, personality, job contentment, and work life’s quality affect the performance of employee. Meanwhile, organizational commitment didn’t mediate the impact of personality and job satisfaction on employee performance. Many studies conduct employee performance reviews, but none focus on the insurance industry. And organizational commitment variable becomes an essential aspect in supporting organizational performance improvement. This research seeks to fill this gap.



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How to Cite

Sugiharti, Budiyanto, & Suhermin. (2023). The Influence of Personality, Job Satisfaction and Quality of Work Life on Organizational Commitment and Their Impact on Employee Performance. TEC EMPRESARIAL, 18(2), 25–49.