The Role of Collaborative Leadership in Moderating Demotivational and Indiscipliner Behavior towards Private Higher Education Employee Performance in the City of Palembang in the New Normal Era


  • Dian Yulistarini Universitas Jambi, Indonesia
  • Edward Universitas Jambi, Indonesia
  • Syahmardi Yacob Universitas Jambi, Indonesia
  • Tona Aurora Universitas Jambi, Indonesia



Demotivation, Indiscipline, Performance, Collaborative Leadership.


The emergence of employee demotivation and disciplinary behavior in the new normal era is due to the many new rules that need to be adjusted. A new managerial strategy is needed for higher education governance such as leaders who have skills and a strong mindset so that organizations are successful in dealing with fast-paced conditions. The leadership model that is considered suitable for the new normal era is collaborative leadership. A leadership model that has dependence between members and leaders in coordinating activities so that the organization can respond quickly to existing issues and adapt to fast-paced changes. The research method used a quantitative approach and involved 380 respondents. The analytical methods used are validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, statistical test and MRA test using SPSS 26.0 and SEM AMOS 26.0. Based on the results of research on the relationship between demotivating variables (X1) indiscipline (X2) and performance (Y) in the new normal era, p values ​​were obtained of 0.609 and 0.410, Critical Ratio (CR) values ​​of 0.511 and -2.045, which means that variables X1 and X2 are not significant and H0 in this study was rejected. So that there is no relationship between demotivating (X1) and disciplinary (X2) behavior on employee performance (Y) in the new normal era. In demotivating and disciplinary variables moderated by collaborative leadership on performance, pvalues ​​of 6.306 and 8.471 were obtained and showed a CR of 1.96 so that significant results were obtained. The relationship between collaborative leadership as a moderator of demotivating and indiscipline behavior is proven to have a positive influence and strengthen employee performance in the new normal era.


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How to Cite

Yulistarini, D., Edward, Yacob, S., & Aurora, T. (2023). The Role of Collaborative Leadership in Moderating Demotivational and Indiscipliner Behavior towards Private Higher Education Employee Performance in the City of Palembang in the New Normal Era. TEC EMPRESARIAL, 18(1), 368–382.