Could Customer Value Support E-Commerce Practices in Indonesia


  • Roky Apriansyah Jambi University, Indonesia
  • Johannes Jambi University, Indonesia
  • Syahmardi Yacob Jambi University, Indonesia
  • Junaidi Jambi University, Indonesia



The Corona Virus Diseases 19 (Covid-19) pandemic has impacted various elements of life, including the economy and business. This disaster has had a positive impact on increasing the e-commerce market niche, especially in the retail and wholesale sectors. E-commerce is predicted to be able to enhance consumer shopping patterns from conventional shopping to online-based. Hence The objectives of this study are to reveal the role of customer value, E-Satisfaction, E-Service Quality, and E-Trust affect the E-Loyalty of E-Commerce users in Indonesia. For this reason, we survey used a structured questionnaire to collect data. Then, data analysis using SEM-PLS. The results showed that E-Satisfaction, E-Service Quality, and E-trust directly affect Customer Value. Then,  E-Satisfaction, E-Service Quality, and E-trust affect on E-Loyalty. Furthermore, E-Satisfaction indirectly and significantly affects E-Loyalty, which is mediated by Customer Value. Regarding the mediation variable role, the result showed that Customer Value does not mediate the effect of E-Service Quality on E-Loyalty; neither does the effect of E-Trust on E-Loyalty.  Hence, the customer's role in determining e-loyalty is more predicted by individual choice, where e-satisfaction and customer value have a rigorous role. So we recommend that e-commerce retailer educate their customer about the benefits the customer gets in the e-commerce practice.


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How to Cite

Apriansyah, R., Johannes, Yacob, S., & Junaidi. (2023). Could Customer Value Support E-Commerce Practices in Indonesia. TEC EMPRESARIAL, 18(1), 415–429.