Implementing it Solutions for Human Resource Management in the Transportation Sector: Enhancing Efficiency and Employee Satisfaction
The implementation of information technology (IT) solutions in the transportation sector brings significant changes in human resource management (HR). This technology provides various benefits ranging from increasing operational efficiency to increasing employee satisfaction. However, IT implementation also faces challenges such as the need for large investments, resistance to change, and data security. This study aims to explore how IT solutions can improve employee efficiency and satisfaction in the transportation sector. This study uses a qualitative approach by collecting data from previous studies. The collected data is then processed to gain an in-depth understanding of this topic. The results show that IT-based administrative process automation and performance appraisal systems improve operational efficiency. IT-based recruitment platforms and flexible training programs improve employee engagement and development. IT solutions also strengthen communication and collaboration, as well as employee welfare programs that support work-life balance. However, IT implementation requires large investments and faces resistance from employees that can be overcome through effective training and communication. Data security is also a challenge that requires strict security policies and cyber awareness training.
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