The Influence of Islamic Work Ethics and Innovative Work Behavior on Adaptive Performance: The Moderating Role of Ethical Leadership and Organizational Commitment


  • Zainab Azizah Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Mugi Harsono Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia



This study aims to provide a better understanding of how Islamic work ethics influence a person's adaptive performance at work, and how innovative work behavior, ethical leadership, and organizational commitment play a role in this relationship. Descriptions and phenomena are observed objectively and systematically with descriptive research. PLS analysis and the SmartPLS application are used in this study. Respondents were randomly selected from the entire population of teachers in the Solo Raya region's Islamic Schools, totaling 164 people. Derived from the outcomes of the investigation, noteworthy revelations emerge, delineating that educators adhering to Islamic work principles exhibit a proclivity towards fostering heightened levels of innovative work conduct within professional contexts. Moreover, the cultivation of innovative work conduct among educators stands poised to foster enhancements in adaptive aptitude when confronted with dynamic environmental exigencies. The espousal of Islamic work ethics by educators emerges as a catalyst in augmenting adaptive proficiencies within the professional milieu. Additionally, innovative work behavior operates as an intermediary mechanism in delineating the nexus between Islamic work ethics and adaptive performance. Ethical leadership assumes a moderating role in elucidating the association between Islamic work ethics and innovative work behavior, while organizational commitment emerges as a pivotal mediating factor in elucidating the interplay between Islamic work ethics and innovative work conduct.


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How to Cite

Azizah, Z., & Harsono, M. (2023). The Influence of Islamic Work Ethics and Innovative Work Behavior on Adaptive Performance: The Moderating Role of Ethical Leadership and Organizational Commitment. TEC EMPRESARIAL, 18(1), 560–575.