Educational Management Millennial Leadership Characters in Increasing the Competitiveness of Higher Education at STAI Al-Falah and STAI Bakti Persada
Management, Education, Character, Leadership, Competitiveness, and Higher Education.Abstract
Because universities lack millennial leadership, their competitiveness is low. The study examines how STAI AL-FALAH and STAI Bakti Persada handle millennial leadership character education to boost higher education competitiveness. The research aims are to examine planning, organization, implementation, evaluation, problems, solutions, and impact. Terry (2019), Lickona (2012), and Robbins (2015) hypothesis. Qualitative case study research is used. The data collection methods are observation, interviews, and documentation. Results of research (1) Planning was done in accordance with planning concepts in theory and in the program's rules, as well as theological ideals like honesty. (2) The organization followed theoretical organizing principles, program requirements, and physical values. (3) The execution followed theoretical and program criteria and ethical values. (4) The evaluation followed evaluation theory and program criteria, as well as Teleological values. (5) Communication, socializing, and collaboration with external parties are lacking, although problems have been handled. Good and coordinated communication, socialization, and collaboration with external parties can solve the problem. (7) Millennial leadership character education increases the competitiveness of Higher Education at STAI AL-FALAH and STAI Bakti Persada, affecting students, lecturers, education staff, universities, and ICT-based abilities like mastering useful applications and computers. Conclusion: Millennial leadership character education management increases higher education competitiveness by following character education and life values management principles.
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