Improving Organizational Performance through Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture: Quality of Work Life as Mediation
Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture, Quality of Work Life, Organizational Performance.Abstract
This study aims to examine the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational culture on improving organizational performance, and the effect of quality of work life as a mediator. By distributing questionnaires to 203 respondents, data was collected and analyzed using SEM-PLS. The results of the research show that improving organizational performance can be done by applying transformational leadership, implementing organizational culture processes and improving the quality of employee work life. The quality of work life plays an important role in mediating the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational culture on organizational performance. Therefore, organizations must realize the need for a leader who can apply a transformational leadership style because he can make changes, implement organizational cultural processes that are followed by employees (subordinates) according to the vision of the organization, especially in creativity, innovation, and improving the performance of public sector services related directly with the community.
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