Impact of Information Technology (IT) Governance on Business-IT Alignment
Information Technology, IT governance, IT governance practices, Business-IT alignment, IT strategic alignment, IT managementAbstract
Purpose: This basic, quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional research aims to empirically examine the impact of IT governance on business-IT alignment. Method: This study adopts the Structural Equation Model (SEM) technique with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to evaluate the relationship between IT governance and business-IT alignment, testing three basic hypotheses on the data collected from 672 web-based surveys of companies in Colombia. Main finding: IT governance significantly and directly affects business-IT alignment, but there are no differences in such influence as per industry type or company size. Limitations: This study only considered companies located in Colombia with a limited sample size in several industry types, which may become a possibility for further studies. Additionally, the data collected relies on the honesty of respondents and is not completely free of bias.
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