The Development of Conventional to Contemporary Port Policy: The Bibliometric Analysis
Policy Development, Conventional Ports, Contemporary Ports, Bibliometric Analysis.Abstract
This study reviews articles on port policy from literature and policies related to ports. This study investigates how port-related policy research has evolved over the last decade. The research was conducted using the bibliometric analysis method. The steps are carried out by conducting an inventory of the Scopus database and analyzed using the VOSviewer device. The data consists of 1235 international journal documents indexed by Scopus. The total number of published documents containing port writings is only 43 authors with five or more documents. Based on citation analysis, journal articles that have an impact on port policy research are divided into ten clusters. Most countries are the United States and China, with the top-ranking Publisher Elsevier Ltd. Based on the bibliometric co-citation mapping technique, it shows how keyword articles are constructed and their relationship. From the concepts, methods, and findings of the co-authors and co-citations based on the analysis, we finally present some strategic research challenges and an elaborated research agenda on port policy.
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