Diversity of Macrozoobenthos Species in Several Habitats in Peat Techno Park (PTP), University of Palangka Raya
Diversity, Macrozoobenthos, Habitat, Species.Abstract
The purpose of this study was to inventory benthic animals in various aquatic ecosystems in Peat Techno Park (PTP) of the University of Palangka Raya. Benthic animals found were studied for their role as indicators of aquatic productivity. The research was conducted in a peat swamp forest in PTP. The research approach was a quantitative descriptive approach with an exploration method with direct sampling. The sampling location included 9 (nine) stations and from each station 3 (three) samples were taken. The results showed that there were only 2 (two) macrozoobenthos groups on PTP peatlands, namely the Annelida and Insecta groups, where the most dominant was the Insecta group from the order Diptera and the Chironomidae family with the most abundant genus being the genus Chironomus. Stations that had a high abundance on stations 1, 2, 3, 7 and 9 with their respective habitats, were unploughed rice field, ploughed rice field, swamp, fish pond, and beje. Differences in the diversity and abundance of insect benthic animals at each observation station will be discussed.
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