The Perspective of Indonesian State Law in Seeing the Superiority of Well-Known Brands at the International Level


  • Yusuf Gunawan IBLAM Higher School of Law, Depok, Indonesia



Well-Known Brands, Similar Goods and Services, Non Similar Goods/Or Services.


A brand is the identity of a product of goods and services that have commercial value and are valuable. It has a commercial value because it becomes the identity of the product being traded and is valuable because it has a value that can be assessed as an asset of a company, can have a sale value and can be placed as collateral. In Indonesia, legal marks are regulated in Law Number 20 of 2016 concerning Marks and Geographical Indications (UU MIG). Protection of trademark rights that are formally registered (first to file) other than well-known brands. This research tries to find out the arrangements regarding similarities in principle or in its entirety to well-known brands and marks that apply to similar and non-similar goods/or services in Indonesia, other countries and international conventions. The research method used in writing this paper is a normative method with a statutory approach (The Statute Approach), meaning that the approach is taken by examining all relevant laws and regulations according to the law being handled. The conclusion obtained is that Indonesia has signed the Paris Agreement and TRIPS, where the concept and paradigm of a similar arrangement in principle or its entirety regarding well-known marks and marks currently in force in Indonesia and international conventions for similar and dissimilar goods/or services must be applied by all member countries. Including Indonesia and Indonesian legal politics regarding marks, it is necessary to make changes both in terms of substance by incorporating elements of rejection, namely status as a well-known brand, having similarities in principle or its entirety, may cause error and confusion, may cause loss, and traded by the use of the mark.


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How to Cite

Gunawan, Y. (2023). The Perspective of Indonesian State Law in Seeing the Superiority of Well-Known Brands at the International Level. TEC EMPRESARIAL, 18(1), 72–87.