The Exclusive Relation of Digital Transformation and Sustainability: A Systematic Literature Review of Its Antecedents


  • Erland Barlian Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Tirta Mursitama Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Elidjen Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Yosef Dedy Pradipto Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia



The industrial revolution 4.0, or known as the fourth phase of the industrial revolution, has led the digital evolution into a broader discipline beyond the technology itself. The purpose of this research is to explore and looking for better understanding of the relation between digital transformation trough industrial revolution 4.0 and its impact to sustainabiltity practice.  Therefore, this study focused on the relation between digital transformation and sustainability, carried out with a systematical review study for nine years of research 2016-2024 and 82 selected peer-reviewed high ranked journals as the subject of studies. It is found that there is a strong and mutually beneficial relationship between Digital Transformation and Sustainability (DTS). This study also found that there are 13 potential themes to be studied further in relation to digital transformation and sustainability practice relationship. In conclusion there is strong influece between digital transformation as the hearth of industrial 4.0 era to a more sustainable practice for the better future. Therefore, this study may give a clearer picture of the digital transformation and sustainability practice (DTS) and future study that need further study.


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How to Cite

Barlian, E., Mursitama, T., Elidjen, & Pradipto, Y. D. (2024). The Exclusive Relation of Digital Transformation and Sustainability: A Systematic Literature Review of Its Antecedents. Tec Empresarial, 19(2), 153–178.