Study of the Application of Mixed Entomopathogen Formula Streptomyces Griseorubens and Trichoderma Harzianum on Non-Pest Insects Diversity in Rice Crops
This study explores the effects of applying a combination of biological agents, particularly Streptomyces sp. and Trichoderma sp., which produce chitinase enzymes that can control insect pests. The research focuses on how this mixture influences the species composition, population, and diversity index of predatory and parasitoid insects in rice fields in Gresik Regency, East Java. Data collection involved surveying both fields treated with biological control agents and conventional rice fields, using direct observation and various traps, including yellow tarp traps, pitfall traps, and light traps. The research on rice cultivation revealed that fields treated with biological agents had a total of 1191 natural enemy insects, compared to 448 individuals in fields without biological agents. This application of biological agents was effective in controlling pest populations. The application of a mixture of biological agents, Streptomyces sp. and Trichoderma sp., also influences the insect index value, with the land treated with these agents showing a higher index value compared to land without the application of these agents.
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