Quasi-market and privatisation in the Swedish welfare state
Política Social, Mercado, Asociación Público Privada, Estado, Bienestar Social, Ancianos, Suecia.Abstract
Globalization of the economy and demographic changes weaken the economic structure of the welfare society. This explains, to a large extent, changes in the management of the production of public services, including privatization policies. In the case of Sweden, the new administrative management is carried out within the framework of a quasi-market, whose purpose is to reduce operating costs as well as to obtain increases in the quality of the public service offered. This article examines the characteristics and properties of a quasi-market in general and its particular application in the nursing home sector in Sweden. The effects of the quasi-market are analyzed by comparing two types of administrative management: municipal and private. The results obtained from the descriptive and comparative analysis do not show major differences between the two types of administrative management.
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